23 February 2010

the best meal of my life

the dinner at le jules verne in the eiffel tower
was the best meal i will probably ever eat in my life.
i thought it best to at least mention it here:


HOMARD de nos cótes en rémoulade, salade de pommes sauvages
French lobster in remoulade, wild apple in salad

ENDIVES de pleine terre, jambon/truffe/comté
Baked chicory, ham/truffle/comte cheese


Blanc de TURBOT á la plancha façon Dugléré
Pan-searen turbot, Duglere-style

Noisettes de CHEVREUIL aux poivres róties en cocotte, garniture d'hiver, sauce grand veneur
Medallions of venison with peppers, roasted in a casserole, winter vegetables, grand veneur sauce


Fin Palet FRAISES DES BOIS/CITRON VERT, jus passion/mangue
Wild strawberry/green lemon shortbread, passion fruit/mango sauce

L'ÉCROU AU CHOCOLAT et praliné croustillant, glace noisette
Tower bolt, dark chocolate praliné, hazelnut ice cream

the tower bolt was my favorite (it was deliciously silky), closely followed by the venison medallions (i like bloody meat now!), but all of it was incredible. the company was great too, of course :)