my list of immediate things to do
includes stuffing my fat fucking face
with one of these tasty, oversized delights.
c'mon now, the shit looks FILLING
not like some puny apple of thin ass banana.
i want to taste the greasy goodness
of deep fried, low-grade beef shits.
i hope the come out like they come in! :)
14 March 2011
recent goals
Posted by sebastian pigeon-toe'd at 23:33
Labels: fatties, stuffing his fat fucking face
11 March 2011
the social network review
mmm i'm mixed about it
most of the movie i didn't really like
but overall i could see why people like it
it's an oversensationalized drama based on true events
there are a lot of situations where it just never would have happened like that
it's one of those "let's make a statement about this generation" but from the eyes of someone who only knows it through tons of cliches
they had this scene where his friends were drinking beer, smoking pot and jumping off the roof into a pool to depict how chatoic living in CA was
and justin timberlake just happened to be living across the street and come over to see what the ruckus was about
yeah i can't take justin timberlake seriously as an actor
or in general
he plays the guy who made napster
yeah he looks sooo sophisticated in his wire frame glasses
but overall it was okay
nothing horribly wrong with the movie but overall kind of uneventful
there are these two twin characters that are super over the top
they're the rich twins who had the idea first but are super competive as seen by their drive in their rowing team dedication
and mess up the dean's office to show their spite when he denies them recourse against FB guy
the overall message is to be an asshole and an arrogant jerk but as long as you're smart and condescending you'll get several billion dollars and the admiration of all women except that one girl you liked at the beginning of the movie
but especially the admiration of the random girl from church who told you to facebook her then you did then she sucked your dick in a public bathroom
and your CFO will be getting head in the stall next to you from her other slut asian friend who ends up burning a scarf on your bed because she's jealous and doesn't wear scarves
but in the end that cute woman from the office with a bob haircut will console you and tell you to pay everyone off and you agree and she flirts some more with you then the movie is over
great movie, right? lol
Posted by sebastian pigeon-toe'd at 21:47
Labels: asian girl, black out drunks, movie reviews
03 March 2011
splice review
well so they raise this human/animal hybrid thing called dren (nerd backwards)
and the woman is really attached to it like a daughter and dresses it up like a doll
it finds a cat and is super happy but the "mom" takes it away and when she decides to give it back later dren kills it!
and there are some weird scenes where adrien brody dances with dren and looks into its eyes and feeling gooshy
then things get super fucked up when adrien (sp?) brody fucks dren on a barnyard floor and dren sprout these wing things for no reason
oh and the mom amputates dren's penis tail at one point
so then dren changes gender and becomes a man, flies around for a while and kills a bunch of people, then rapes the woman
then adrien brody stabs dren, dren stabs adrien with regrown penis tail, adrien dies, mama squashes dren's head with boulder, dren dies
end scene of mama making negotiations with this gene company about selling the monster baby in her stomach (she's preggers), ends with her and random business woman looking out onto the city with the line "what's the worst that could happen?"
Posted by sebastian pigeon-toe'd at 20:55
Labels: baby carriages, movie reviews
15 February 2011
07 February 2011
as much as i've meant to update, i just simply haven't.
there's no real excuse other than making excuses.
drinking, working, drinking with coworkers,
remembering and not remembering nights,
it's not a lifestyle i can manage easily.
time for a life detox.
cut back on the booze, cut back on the screens,
splice in some fresh creative moments and
healthy life choices and things should be good2go.
life has just been consumed with work, gym & others,
but refocusing... refocusing... refocused.
Posted by sebastian pigeon-toe'd at 01:18
Labels: decisions, drink while you think, washington d.c.
03 January 2011
the screen life
my life has become about staring into
a multitude of electronic screens.
let's count em up:
1. imac (apt) - 2-3 hours, various
2. imac (work) - 7 hours, mon-fri
3. macbook pro - 2-3 hours, weekends
4. nintendo ds (screen x 2) - varies
5. LG Vu Plus cell phone - 30 min, everyday
6. television (apt) - 30 min-1.5hr, most days
7. projector screen (screening room) - 1.5-2hrs, infrequently
8. kindle - growing amounts of time
9. ipod - 20-30min, everyday
(i'm still too scared to add up the total hours)
what happened to the carefree days when i
could sit outside and sketch in my notebook?
or read american psycho in a park?
or bike for hours and not feel guilty?
time to shift focus and reprioritize.
Posted by sebastian pigeon-toe'd at 20:03